Family Business Coaching
The owners of family businesses or SMEs face a unique set of challenges, making Family Business Coaching a powerful tool for overcoming barriers and unlocking growth.
For many, the journey of business starts with being an employee, then self-employed, and eventually grows into a fully-fledged business. All these require subtle yet important mindset shifts and changes in identity. Unbeknownst to themselves, there will be barriers in moving forward from one level to the next. This is where coaching can identify these hidden barriers and help business owners overcome them on the road to success.

When you start a business, your strength is the strength of the business. As your business grows, your strength becomes the weakness of the business. The problem is that you are the last person to see it. If your business has plateaued, you have probably reached the limit of your personal span of control.
Some of these mindset blocks are well known, others less so. The breakthrough process is brilliant for helping you to shift these blocks and for allowing you to attain a higher perspective.
Secondly, it’s about the family. Too often owners employ family members for all the wrong reasons: availability, cheapness, trustworthiness, obligation, hope, none of which are about the suitability of the person to do the job!
Sons and daughters are often under pressure to take over the family business, but then ‘Dad’ will never let go of the reins because no-one can do it like him. (If you keep hold of the reins, Dad, no-one will!) Then of course there are the other siblings. They aren’t the MD, they don’t actually do any work in the business, except when they feel like it, but they have a sense of entitlement which becomes a real burden to the business.
Getting past the third generation is really difficult. The best families, in terms of business competence, recognise they will never attract top talent if the best positions are filled by family members. Send the kids to business school before they take over as shareholders, not executives.
The dynamics of navigating the inter-generational family business are an emotional minefield. Too often, emotion dominates debate when reason should prevail. The very wealth you worked so hard for gets squandered and diluted by people who seem not to care less – and they’re your family!

Leadership Coaching for Family Business Owners
It’s not only CEOs who feel lonely! Family business owners often face similar feelings of isolation, misunderstanding, and lack of appreciation. The emotional toll of running a business while managing family relationships can be overwhelming.
Family Business Coaching gives the owners an opportunity to recast their relationships inside and outside the office. Often, clients tell stories about how their own transformation has impacted the people around them in very visible, positive ways.
Addressing What’s Holding You Back
Family business owners are human, too. Sometimes, they know what’s bothering them but don’t feel comfortable discussing it. Other times, they just feel that something isn’t quite right, but they can’t put their finger on it.
John Cottrell’s family business coaching helps owners identify and resolve these issues, providing clarity and confidence to navigate challenges. With the right support, life and business become so much easier to manage.