Sam Coles‘s Story
John has helped me make a massive difference to my business.
John has helped me make a massive difference to my business. Before John started coaching me I was forever embroiled in the daily running of the business doing the same things every day because that’s the way they had always been done.
John encouraged me to step back and look at the bigger picture. I went from doing almost everything myself to putting systems in place that have helped the business grow whilst also running more smoothly. I went from working from home to operating from the office I had dreamt of which has separated work and home life for me. I work fewer hours with a small staff and contractors that our systems helped get on board quickly and easily.
I have been able to release myself from a lot of the things that I wasn’t great at and consequently didn’t enjoy doing that were just a vicious circle. I now concentrate on developing and running the lighting consultancy side of the business which is where my skills and interest really lie.
The systemising has had a further, originally unseen benefit. It allowed me to develop an online training course helping Interior Designers, Home Stagers, self-builders, and homeowners to do their own lighting design. This has allowed me to service a wider range of people and, with developing some other lighter touch methods of lighting consultancy, to make lighting design more accessible for those on tighter budgets.
Instead of continually doing the “same old” there is always a plan in place that we are chipping away at for where the business is going next. Watch this space…
- – Lighting Consultant,
- UK
For more information on Business Coaching contact Breakthrough Leadership.