A driver holds the steering wheel of his supercar

#2 Total Clarity

Clarity is a fairly simple word to understand things being clear, but actually when we’re talking about a state and we’re really talking about three things really.

This is the second post of the performance series. Last time we talked about the concept of the personal best; the PB (Personal Best). I said that there is a state beyond the PB state and we call this total clarity. Total clarity is based on a few different sources, if you like, but primarily what clients have reported back the words they use to describe the state that they achieve and what happens when they’re in that higher state.

So first of all let’s define what we mean by total clarity. Clarity is a fairly simple word to understand things being clear, but actually when we’re talking about a state and we’re really talking about three things really.

Number one is the clarity of purpose—this is the bigger picture, the reason why I’m trying to do what I’m trying to do. The second is this clarity of outlook. I use the word outlook but actually if we took clarity as a visual word it works better in an auditory sense, where you can imagine that we’re talking about the clarity of the signal. so there’s like one frequency with we’re tuned into, that’s the only thing we can hear, there’s no background noise or clutter. that’s clarity about there’s one thing in the view everything else is clear. The last thing then is clarity of focus, and that means that at the moment I’m only focused on the one thing, the one goal, one objective that I have to achieve.

So let’s be clear about these things: clarity of purpose, clarity of outlook and clarity of focus all at the same time is what gives us total clarity. What we find from clients when they receive feedback, is this state that they get to allow them to think better, allows them to assess faster, some have even talked about how they’ve realized that their resting heart rate is lower. Some of the athletes are talking about the fact that they’re actually consuming fewer calories to perform at a higher level and the reason is they’re not getting all the interference, they’re not burning energy with all the stuff that’s getting in the way.

Now that’s sports, but if we think about business, the same is true. Many people exist in a dehydrated, over-caffeinated state, it is simply impossible for them to perform at the highest level of which they’re capable. So think about what would be total clarity, what difference would being able to attain that state would mean to you in your business.

For more information on how I can help you achieve total clarity, get in touch with me.

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